A program grounded in the healing power of ancestral foods and sacred gut-brain connection practices.

Are you ready for deep healing?

The Sacred Gut Healing Program shows you how to transform everyday meals into powerful gut healers by using the medicinal foods of our great-grandmothers. This program is NOT about restricting you down to steamed broccoli or expensive supplements. It’s about using food as medicine and deeply nourishing your gut-brain connection because I know just how real stress-belly is. 

The Sacred Gut Healing Program is perfect for women who feel truly ready to transform the food they eat into nutrient dense healing goodness but are unsure how to get started. 



This protocol can be used as a step-by-step 8 week program (for those who are sooo ready for deep healing quickly).


As a 30 day seasonal renewal 'aka: gut reset' when you feel your body and belly are needing some extra love (Ps: you have lifetime access!). However there are lots of recipes and practices that many fall in love with and incorporate into their every day lives. 


As gut healing database to start including more easy to digest foods, if you are in a season of life where baby steps feel good in your body. Then when you are ready to embody the program fully, it is here for you because you have lifetime access. 



  • A proven nutrition protocol I have seen work on women with inflamed tummies again, and again, and again… (you get the idea). *protocol is omnivore (includes plants and animals)
  • Step-by-step 8 week deep digestive healing outline
  • 30 Day Gut Renewal Outline (aka: A gut reset)
  •  LIVE Monthly group calls so that we can customize the protocol to align perfectly to YOUR body, belly, and brain 
  • A fully stocked private membership site with healing remedies, yummy recipes and cooking classes. PS: I don’t believe in eating something just because ‘it’s good for me’, I believe every bite we put in our mouths should be pure joy
  • Deep dive how-to trainings on key gut-healing topics like foundational ancestral eating, fermented foods, meat stocks, digestive detox, gut-brain nourishment and organ meats
  • Stress belly support - so your body feels safe enough to heal (includes trauma - informed guided practices)


Lifetime Access for: $497

"Finally, solid bowel movements after a lifetime of digestive issues! Along with my digestive issues I also struggled with acne, and a knee surgery that just would not heal. After working with Heather my bowel movements are finally solid (they have been soft for as long as I can remember!) my knees are better and my acne is finally clearing."

North Vancouver, BC

"After working with Heather my rosacea and inflammation on my skin are almost entirely gone, I feel lighter and have more energy. I also barely get bloated anymore! I was so ready to take my nutrition to the next level and eat in a way that was specific to the health issues I was experiencing."

Barrhead, AB

"After working with Heather I have way more energy and my gut feels like it is finally working normally! I knew I was having reactions to foods but could not figure out which foods in particular. Now, I don’t feel sluggish, my eczema and ketosis pillaris are completely clear, and I very rarely have any of the bloating or cramping issues I had before."

Dublin, Ireland

"I had a much happier tummy, clearer skin and the added unexpected bonus of some weight loss!"

Vancouver, BC

"The last 6 months or so, have been life changing. With Heather’s help I've changed my diet and found I have some additional food sensitivities that cause havoc on my body & my brain."

Spruce Grove, AB

"After working with Heather I feel the absolute best I ever have! My skin is glowing, I have so much energy and I sleep great. Heather changed me and my family’s lives for the better. I feel so blessed to have been able to work with her."

Kamloops, BC

"Heather is a kind, compassionate and knowledgeable nutritionist. I've learned so much from her, especially around digestive health for both mom and babe. She is definitely a wealth of information."

Erin, Registered Dietician
Vancouver Island, BC


Heather Woodruff, CNP CGP

Heather is a Digestion Guru & Certified GAPS Practitioner who loves supporting women to heal their stubbornly inflamed bellies deeply and completely with the medicinal foods of our great-grandmothers so they can live a soul-led life full of purpose.

This means helping you to discover the abundance of delicious nourishing food you CAN actually eat that will not inflame your chronically inflamed tummy but actually heal and repair it.

When I’m not saving the world one bloated belly at a time, you can find me perusing the farmer’s market, shaking my butt off at a Kundalini yoga class, surfing some north pacific waves, planning sacred sisterhood gatherings, or simply puttering in the kitchen (usually in company with my brilliant husband and dragon obsessed little girl.)