When you sign up, I'll send you my full guide where I share my method for transitioning from belly bloating refined sugars to natural sweeteners straight from Mama Earth. 

Includes 5 yummy recipes (chocolate, cookies, ice cream and more!)


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Heather Woodruff, CNP CGP

Heather is a Digestion Guru & Certified GAPS Practitioner who loves supporting women to heal their stubbornly inflamed bellies deeply and completely with the medicinal foods of our great-grandmothers so they have the capacity to live a soul-led life full of purpose.

This means helping you to discover the abundance of delicious nourishing food you CAN actually eat that will not inflame your chronically inflamed tummy but actually heal and repair it.

When I’m not saving the world one bloated belly at a time, you can find me perusing the farmer’s market, shaking my butt off at a Kundalini yoga class, surfing some north pacific waves, planning sacred sisterhood gatherings, or simply puttering in the kitchen (usually in company with my brilliant husband and dragon obsessed little girl.)